Making a change for the better means taking a step into the unknown.

Like any important journey, your success will depend on who you bring with you.


Therese Toohey and Professional Freedom


Our Founding Director, Therese Toohey, M Ed (Leadership), B Ed (Psychology), is a passionate and transformative facilitator and career consultant. Therese has helped countless people and organizations find true motivation through a renewed sense of meaning and purpose.

Therese uses her unique Career Intelligence™ Methodology (CI™); a transformational system unparalleled anywhere else in the world. CI™ is designed specifically for people like you, who truly want to make a difference to themselves, their career, and their leadership.

It took input from many wonderful clients over the years and a lifetime of experience and research to shine the light on this unique method that has proven results. With deep and indispensable knowledge, Therese brings warmth, wisdom and laser-sharp insight to every client. 


Therese Toohey
M Ed (Leadership), B Ed (Psychology)

Meet Therese

I took my own career to a place where I can celebrate living and leading on purpose every day, doing what I love.

It is this purpose that drives me to help you do the same.

I began my career as a teacher across all levels of education including University and loved it. I also spent some time as an Educational Consultant working with teachers and principals on giving access to all students – something I’m still passionate about today.

But life and work can change in a heartbeat. There was a shift in educational focus I didn’t see coming…increased paperwork, less creativity and agency, less contact, more demands, greater bureaucracy. I’m sure it served some purpose, but it wasn’t for me.

I was having to use skills that made me question myself, didn’t align with my core values and certainly not with what I believed made teaching my passion. I was feeling frustrated, lost and confused.

Making a change for the better meant taking a step into the unknown. But first I needed to take a step back and re-think my future path, and fast. Being miserable at work was no longer an option.

After much intentional self-reflection, and dozens of honest conversations, I knew that I had to become crystal clear on who I was and what did, and didn’t want. I needed to find a career that aligned with my values, made my heart sing again, had meaning and something to which I could fully commit.

It was this purposeful process that led me to discover a career path I’ve thrived in for the past 17+ years. It also paved the way for my Career Intelligence™ Methodology I use to help people seamlessly transition from where they are now to where they want to be, in career, in leadership and in life.

My desire to work with individuals and organisations who ‘get the love’ inherently within fulfilling and satisfying careers and career pathways has grown exponentially. After a couple of incarnations Therese Toohey Professional Freedom was born and we now have the pleasure of working with insightful and driven leaders and leadership teams from all over the world. 

Together with extended family and friends, Therese lives in the stunning Southern Highlands just south of Sydney NSW (Australia) where she discovered pilates does make a difference, that her two crazy dogs need more training, and there’s nothing better than ending the week with a superb single malt. 


When you are fuelled by purpose and passion, the right career, in the right environment, will emerge. Need more info on a program?